Solche Vorwürfe sind natürlich pauschalisiert.
Aus der Lektüre der IAEA-Berichte geht hervor, dass der Iran sehr wohl über viele seiner Aktivitäten informiert. Aber es bleiben nach Ansicht der IAEA offene Punkte, zu denen die IAEA weitergehende Informationen benötigt.
Im jüngsten
IAEA-Bericht vom 2.9.2011 findet man z.B. zu den Anreicherungsanlagen (Enrichment Plants) folgende Aussagen:
Natanz: Fuel Enrichment Plant (FEP) and Pilot Fuel Enrichment Plant (PFEP)
12. Based on the results of the analysis of environmental samples taken at FEP since February 2007 and other verification activities, the Agency has concluded that the facility has operated as declared by Iran in the Design Information Questionnaire (DIQ).
19. Based on the results of the analysis of the environmental samples taken at PFEP and other verification activities, the Agency has concluded that the facility has operated as declared by Iran in the DIQ.
Fordow Fuel Enrichment Plant (FFEP)
27. The results of the analysis of the environmental samples taken at FFEP up to 29 December 2010 did not indicate the presence of enriched uranium.
Other Enrichment Related Acivities
29. On 18 August 2011, in response to Agency requests, Iran provided the Agency access to an installation where R&D on advanced centrifuges was taking place. During the Agency’s visit, Iran provided extensive information on its current and future R&D work on advanced centrifuges.