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That's the way life goes

AW: That's the way life goes

The way is long,
and it´s difficult to do not the wrong.
Be careful of the gong,
until your hear ding dong.
AW: That's the way life goes

The way is long,
and it´s difficult to do not the wrong.
Be careful of the gong,
until your hear ding dong.
Remember, remember
twentyfirst of December
the world we have known
will be over and gone
that's what the old Maya people say
better prepare for this fateful day
repress your grins
and repent your sins :guru:
AW: That's the way life goes

Remember, remember
twentyfirst of December
the world we have known
will be over and gone
that's what the old Maya people say
better prepare for this fateful day
repress your grins
and repent your sins :guru:

If world will become very dark
I'll build a house like Noah's ark
take with me than the holy bible
and many poems from poet Geibel.