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Poems - andere Sprachen

AW: Poems - andere Sprachen

Ich weiß ^^ Habs hier mal ander versucht:

I just catched a glimpse
of your heart
almost dead

I just thoughtlessly blow
in your heart
absolute love

feeling’s gone
your heart

Auch nicht schlecht :blume1:
Man merkt deinen Gedichten sehr gut an, was du gerade gefühlt hast. Sie handeln ziemlich viel von Liebe, ich habe mich erst vor kurzem an das Thema heran getraut

Danke :) Ich lese realtiv viele Bücher auf englisch. Wahrscheinlich habe ich es davon übernommen. Ist mir so noch garnicht aufgefallen ;)

Viele englische Bücher lesen ist kein Kunststück - das mache ich auch :-)
Nur konnte ich davon irgendwie keine altmodische Sprache übernehmen... Das funktioniert nur im Deutschen, und auch da nicht besonders gut...

Ja, des kenne ich ^^ Wenn ich meine Gedanken nicht sofort aufschreiben kann, vergesse ich es wieder. Oder mir fällt nicht mehr der genaue Wortlaut ein...

Wenn man aus den letzten Gedankenfetzen ein neues Gedicht macht, bleibt man aber meist damit unzufrieden, das habe ich schon manchmal versucht.
a blanket of snow

in spring
my thoughts were young
for life, hope
made them flower
touched their soft leafs
made them alive
and sun
burned them...
in autumn
they were brown
craving for new live?
they are lonely
and white
touched them
with ice and death

under a blanket of snow
I can feel them pulsating...
AW: Poems - andere Sprachen

they are lonely
and white
touched them
with ice and death

Dieser Teil gefällt mir besonders gut ^^ Ich mag einfach die Bilder, die deine Gedichte beschreiben ;)

moonlight kissed your face

in this crazy world of haste
where everything has a bitter taste
where no one listen to the other
where no one knows his brother

in this crazy world of haste
there we are standing, based
on love that shouldn’t exist
hoping for an early twist

surrounded by miles of nothing
the ice cap we’re moving on is thin
getting deep and deeper in a slough
close doesn’t mean close enough

but when moonlight kissed your face
following an unfathomable trace
I knew you will keep my soul
and my fragile heart you stole

in this crazy world of haste
where everything is treated like waste
where all have hearts of flint
where everything might be a hint

in this crazy world of haste
and the destiny we’ve faced
promise me you never go away
that you will – forever - stay

Das ist schon ein bisschen älter ;) Und ja, wieder mit Reimen :-P
AW: Poems - andere Sprachen

Love is a bitch

She’s angelic, innocent and sweet
brings your heart, faster and faster, to beat
she touches your soul, comes through
same time, she’s stealing something from you
she deprives you of your senses
breaks down your piteous defences
just to let you fall
if she’s tired of all

She betrays, lies and cheats to reach her aim,
breaks rules, doesn’t know any blame,
she only plays her slinky game.

Enjoy her as long as you can,
‘cause she works out another plan
she trifles with you and your longings
she knows your wishes and feelings
and she feign to fulfil this things
but this are promises with wings
nothing really lasts forever
everything’s destined to sever

She betrays, lies and cheats to reach her aim,
breaks rules, doesn’t know any blame,
she only plays her slinky game.

It’s meaningless whether you love or hate her
she takes what she wants to, without any care
maybe you doesn’t believe in love
she would say, it needs only a small shove
to warp you over the edge into a world
where above is down, everything’s hurled
try to run away, to keep her down, but sadly it’s true
if she catches you once, she’ll never release you.

tears run down my face
there’s only loss and pain
how can such a little case
feel like standing in the rain?

whenever I see you,
my heart’s going crazy
eyes bright shining blue
the world out there, hazy

how can I be so insane
to expose myself to such a danger?
now, I’m waiting for the pain
not knowing me, a stranger

why do you torture me this way?
even in my dreams
always, by night and day
bloodcurdling screams

of my broken soul
AW: Poems - andere Sprachen

I can dream, where I go and I can stand.
I can dream of ice and show.
I can dream with coffee and wine.
I can dream in pairs and alone.
But dreams of smoke and dust, I have never allowed.
This has brought me nobody. About my health, I have self-maintaning.