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Nur verständlich. Deutschland will schließlich, dass die Bundestagswahl von den Deutschen bestimmt wird und nicht von Putin uns Trump. Man ist lernfähig.Keine Panik, es gibt in Deutschland bald ein Wahrheitsministerum oder "Abwehrzentrums gegen Desinformation" !!!
Nur verständlich. Deutschland will schließlich, dass die Bundestagswahl von den Deutschen bestimmt wird und nicht von Putin uns Trump. Man ist lernfähig.
Wieso < bald > ? Nur weil bald Weihnachten ist und die Bevölkerung damit den Eindruck gewinnen sollte, durch die Bedienung von Klischees auch noch beschenkt zu werden?Keine Panik, es gibt in Deutschland bald ein Wahrheitsministerum oder "Abwehrzentrums gegen Desinformation" !!!
Die US-Amerikaner wussten auch nicht, dass Putin auch mitwählte bei der Präsidentenwahl.Wusste gar nicht das Putin und Trump bei der deutschen Bundestagswahl wählen dürfen ?!?!
Ja, genau. Die kennt man inzwischen wenigstens und sie sind mit der Zeit berechenbar geworden.Scherzerl, hab verstanden, nur die Propaganda der an der Macht sitzenden Parteien ist zulässig !!!
Walter,Walter schrieb:Deutsche LÜGEN-PRESSE - ich guck jetzt RT
Jo Gröbel schrieb:... [bei] ********** fällt auf,
das ist sehr sehr professionell in der Umsetzung gemacht.
Aber es ist natürlich nichts anderes als,
nennen wir es höflich, Meinungsbeeinflussung,
oder unhöflich, Propaganda.
Nichts anderes, nur mit moderneren Mitteln
als in der alten Sowjetzeit.
Putin schrieb:[...]
People sense an ever-growing gap between their interests
and the elites’ vision of the only correct course,
the course the elite itself chooses.
The result is that referendum and elections
increasingly often create surprises for the authorities.
People do not at all vote as the official and ‘respectable’
media outlets advised them to, nor as the mainstream parties
advised them to.
Public movements that only recently were too far left or too far right
are taking center stage and pushing the political heavyweights aside.
At first, these inconvenient results were hastily
declared an anomaly or chance [Anm.: damit ist Zufall gemeint].
But when they became more frequent, they started saying
that society does not understand those at the helm of power
and have not yet matured sufficiently to be able
to assess authorities’ labor for the public good.
Or they sink into hysteria and declare it
the result of foreign, usually Russian, propaganda.
Sure, friends and colleagues, I would have liked
to have such a propaganda machine here in Russia,
but regrettably, this is not the case.
Unlike you, we do not have global mass media outlets
like CNN, BBC and others.
We simply do not have this kind of capability at this stage.
As for the claim that the fringe and populists
have defeated the “sensible, sober, and responsible minority,”
we are not talking about populists at all,
but about ordinary people, ordinary citizens
who are losing trust in the ruling class.
This is the issue.
By the way, with the political agenda already eviscerated as it is,
the elections cease to be an instrument for change.
They consist instead of nothing but scandals and digging up
who pinched whom where, and who sleeps with whom, if you’ll excuse.
This has crossed all boundaries of decency.
And honestly, a look at various candidates’ platforms
gives the impression that they were made from the same mold
– the difference is slight, if there is any at all.
It seems as if the elites do not see
the deepening stratification in society
and the erosion of the middle class,
while at the same time, they implant ideological ideas
that, in my opinion, destroy cultural and national identity,
and in certain cases, in some countries they subvert
national interests and renounce sovereignty
in exchange for the favor of the suzerain (feudal lord).
This begs the question: who is actually the ‘fringe’?
The expanding class of the supranational oligarchy and bureaucracy,
which is in fact often not elected and not controlled by a society?
Or is it the majority of the citizens,
who want simple and plain things – stability,
free development of their countries,
future prospects for their lives and the lives of their children,
preservation of their cultural identity,
and finally, basic security for themselves and their loved ones?