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A thread for friends of the English language

AW: A thread for friends of the English language

So at least your heart is still in the highlands !

Of course it is! :kuss1:

My heart's in the Highlands, my heart is not here,
My heart's in the Highlands, a-chasing the deer;
Chasing the wild-deer, and following the roe,
My heart's in the Highlands, wherever I go.

Farewell to the Highlands, farewell to the North,
The birth-place of Valour, the country of Worth ;
Wherever I wander, wherever I rove,
The hills of the Highlands for ever I love.

Farewell to the mountains, high-cover'd with snow,
Farewell to the straths and green vallies below;
Farewell to the forests and wild-hanging woods,
Farewell to the torrents and loud-pouring floods.

My heart's in the Highlands, my heart is not here,
My heart's in the Highlands, a-chasing the deer;
Chasing the wild-deer, and following the roe,
My heart's in the Highlands, wherever I go.

Robert Burns
AW: A thread for friends of the English language

Dearest Cosima, precious stone under loose rock,

I#ll throw me to your feet if there are no other parts of your body.
It's an urgent need for me to clear to you that I am no primitive
savage but a sensitive artist.
I just red the poem of a famous German poet whose name is Plattbauer.
I quote from this pioneering work:

" Gelassen stieg die Nacht empor,
sie hüllte alle Welt in Schweigen,
leis' Abgesang vom Vogelchor,
und mir kommt's gradewegs so vor,
als wollten sich die Wipfel neigen.

Da! Durch die Stille dringt ein Knall
wie man ihn kennt von den Granaten,
mit pentrantem Widerhall,
dagegen ist wohl Vattenfall
als Meiler wohl geraten."

I hope you are now convinced that I am a man who is always open to
beautiful and fine arts.

Ever your faithful friend
AW: A thread for friends of the English language

Dearest Cosima, precious stone under loose rock,

I'll throw me to your feet if there are no other parts of your body.
It's an urgent need for me to clear to you that I am no primitive
savage but a sensitive artist.
I just red the poem of a famous German poet whose name is Plattbauer.
I quote from this pioneering work:

" Gelassen stieg die Nacht empor,
sie hüllte alle Welt in Schweigen,
leis' Abgesang vom Vogelchor,
und mir kommt's gradewegs so vor,
als wollten sich die Wipfel neigen.

Da! Durch die Stille dringt ein Knall
wie man ihn kennt von den Granaten,
mit pentrantem Widerhall,
dagegen ist wohl Vattenfall
als Meiler wohl geraten."

I hope you are now convinced that I am a man who is always open to
beautiful and fine arts.

Ever your faithful friend
AW: A thread for friends of the English language

Dearest Cosima, precious stone under loose rock,

I'll throw me to your feet if there are no other parts of your body.
It's an urgent need for me to clear to you that I am no primitive
savage but a sensitive artist.
I just red the poem of a famous German poet whose name is Plattbauer.
I quote from this pioneering work:

" Gelassen stieg die Nacht empor,
sie hüllte alle Welt in Schweigen,
leis' Abgesang vom Vogelchor,
und mir kommt's gradewegs so vor,
als wollten sich die Wipfel neigen.

Da! Durch die Stille dringt ein Knall
wie man ihn kennt von den Granaten,
mit pentrantem Widerhall,
dagegen ist wohl Vattenfall
als Meiler wohl geraten."

I hope you are now convinced that I am a man who is always open to
beautiful and fine arts.

Ever your faithful friend

Well, well,

you see me in deep thoughts... The name Plattbauer sounds familiar, but I don't remember where and when I heard it!

In connection with Schiller and Goethe maybe?
Sokrates, Plato? Hölderlin, Rilke, Walter von der Vogelweide?
Heinrich Heine?

Denk ich an Deutschland in der Nacht
hat es gedonnert und gekracht?​

Sartre, Camus, Hegel, Kant, Nietzsche?

If only I knew :confused: !

AW: A thread for friends of the English language

Well, well,

you see me in deep thoughts... The name Plattbauer sounds familiar, but I don't remember where and when I heard it!

In connection with Schiller and Goethe maybe?
Sokrates, Plato? Hölderlin, Rilke, Walter von der Vogelweide?
Heinrich Heine?

Denk ich an Deutschland in der Nacht
hat es gedonnert und gekracht?​

Sartre, Camus, Hegel, Kant, Nietzsche?

If only I knew :confused: !


Dear Ms (Mrs?) Cosima, bright spot on the horizon in my sleepless nights,

It is marvellous how many German poets you know. And indead you hit the
bull's eye: The poet Plattbauer is a direct descendant of Walter von der
Vogelweide or as you English people say: Walter of the birdswillow.
Here a little poem in order to prove it:

Under der linden
an der heide,
da unser zweier bette was,
da kunnst uns finden
alle beide
in schone blumen unde gras.
kuster mich? wol tusentstunt:
o weh, er knallet us sin housen:
das ruoch gar nit mer nach rosen:
o wei!

I wish you only the best
with thousands of kisses
your flatfarmer
AW: A thread for friends of the English language

Under der linden
an der heide,
da unser zweier bette was,
da kunnst uns finden
alle beide
in schone blumen unde gras.
kuster mich? wol tusentstunt:
o weh, er knallet us sin housen:
das ruoch gar nit mer nach rosen:
o wei!

Dear flatfarmer,

What a lovely poem!
But a naughty boy too this man "Plattbauer" seems to be! How crude!
The nerve of it!
How can an man flatulate in the presence of his beloved?
I don't understand the chap!
Did the girl leave him and chose somebody else?

With my best wishes,

AW: A thread for friends of the English language

Dear flatfarmer,

What a lovely poem!
But a naughty boy too this man "Plattbauer" seems to be! How crude!
The nerve of it!
How can an man flatulate in the presence of his beloved?
I don't understand the chap!
Did the girl leave him and chose somebody else?

With my best wishes,


Dearest Cosima,

the girl's name was Hulda. After having smellt the flatulates she decided
to stay with the fatulate-producer. And she had no regrets. On the contrary
the bad smells cured her from whooping cough.

Ever your flatfarmer
AW: A thread for friends of the English language

Dearest Cosima,

Did you really forget this thread? It did not deserve to disappear into
eternal darkness. It holds me as a long ribbon at your hand. Without you I am a disoriented person like a rocking reed in storm. If I could have a tiny place
in your heart I would be so enthusiastic that neither of us can imagine.
Your sweet lines in this thread fulfil me every time with such incradible
deeply movement that it is hardly to describe.
May the new year bring about that you were going to allow yourself few
sentences for me.

Ever, ever your flatfarmer
AW: A thread for friends of the English language

Dearest Cosima,

Did you really forget this thread? It did not deserve to disappear into
eternal darkness. It holds me as a long ribbon at your hand. Without you I am a disoriented person like a rocking reed in storm. If I could have a tiny place
in your heart I would be so enthusiastic that neither of us can imagine.
Your sweet lines in this thread fulfil me every time with such incradible
deeply movement that it is hardly to describe.
May the new year bring about that you were going to allow yourself few
sentences for me.

Ever, ever your flatfarmer

Dearest flatfarmer,

Of course I did NOT forget this thread, but what is there to write about?
Joost left us, and furthermore, he never participated after his very first posting.
I am a bit tired of everything that goes on in this forum!
YOU, however, are the last straw I grasp at :zunge3: .

Let's hope for a good new year, good health, riches, friendship and a strong purpose in life.

With my very best wishes :kuss1:

forever yours,
Cosima :blume1: