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A thread for friends of the English language

AW: A thread for friends of the English language

I am such a friend of English language
that you hardly wii believe it.
But i would be still much luckier
if here would be a thread in Chinese.

just look into the reality menu of your filter software, select the item "I will see everything" and the chinese thread will appear...

The Red Baron
AW: A thread for friends of the English language

Well, since no one comes forward with a topic, not even Joost, I might just as well tell you a little joke.

A couple in bed...

He: good night, mother of five
She: good night, father of one
AW: A thread for friends of the English language

Well, since no one comes forward with a topic, not even Joost, I might just as well tell you a little joke.

A couple in bed...

He: good night, mother of five
She: good night, father of one

ok, the father was from China...

The Red Baron
AW: A thread for friends of the English language

Redbaron gives me a good feeling. He understands immediatly what China and
Chinese people are doing in my answer.
For Cosima who is the English language not so mighty here the
declaration: The famous Chinese mandarin Tschin Peng Iweg is the
father of modern English.
AW: A thread for friends of the English language

Redbaron gives me a good feeling. He understands immediatly what China and
Chinese people are doing in my answer.
For Cosima who is the English language not so mighty here the
declaration: The famous Chinese mandarin Tschin Peng Iweg is the
father of modern English.

Dear flat peasant,

Please accept my apologies for being so uneducated, shame on me!
What an instructive forum this one is.
Thanks for letting me know, I'll never forget this fundamental linguistic truth!

With my best wishes for your friend Hulda - who is well I hope?

Sincerely yours

AW: A thread for friends of the English language

Dear flat peasant,

Please accept my apologies for being so uneducated, shame on me!
What an instructive forum this one is.
Thanks for letting me know, I'll never forget this fundamental linguistic truth!

With my best wishes for your friend Hulda - who is well I hope?

Sincerely yours


Dear Cosima, my dearest lady,

thank you so much for teaching me a lesson in female irony. I guess you
were an English teacher in your former life. Perhaps your degree was
"secondary school teacher". Now you retired and out of your rich wealth
of experience you make many contributions to my threat about farts.
I wish you a very long life - much longer than the life of poor Hulda.

Sincerely your smelly flat farmer
AW: A thread for friends of the English language

Dear Cosima, my dearest lady,

thank you so much for teaching me a lesson in female irony. I guess you
were an English teacher in your former life. Perhaps your degree was
"secondary school teacher". Now you retired and out of your rich wealth
of experience you make many contributions to my threat about farts.
I wish you a very long life - much longer than the life of poor Hulda.

Sincerely your smelly flat farmer

I wouldn't dare to mock you! Never ever!

But what about poor Hulda ?
Did she pass away?
Couldn't she stand your... well, let me say it diplomatically ... vapours :confused: ?

Best wishes from

concerned about Hilda's welfare!
AW: A thread for friends of the English language

I presume that Scotsmen are even "harder" (in "taking the weather as it comes") than the rest of the islands public as You can see here:
