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A thread for friends of the English language


New Member
9. Januar 2008
A thread for all those who would like to speak a bit of English now and then

I now declare this thread open. :)
AW: A thread for friends of the English language

Well, where are the friends of the English language? :blume1:
AW: A thread for friends of the English language

Well, where are the friends of the English language? :blume1:

Don't be so impatient :kuss1:!

I'm principally more than ready for discussions in English, but what the heck shall we talk about?

A thread without a topic is extremely difficult! It gets boring!

Why don't you just start with a suitable posting and wait for answers and contributions?

AW: A thread for friends of the English language

Don't get impatient.

I have now started the bloody thread.

It is up to you to use it or not to use it.
AW: A thread for friends of the English language

The secret service of the queen would not be amused.

The Red Baron

You are wrong! They are laughing their heads off right now!
But I don't know why!
Would that be a topic to be discussed?
Amusing matters for the queen or laughing matters for her majesty's secret service?

AW: A thread for friends of the English language

Any topic may be discussed, of course. :)

Dear Joost,

Since this is your thread, your initiative, your interest, I propose you start with a topic!
It's up to you now!
I'm ready to join but I'm not ready to force the matter!

AW: A thread for friends of the English language

I am such a friend of English language
that you hardly wii believe it.
But i would be still much luckier
if here would be a thread in Chinese.