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Quantum Sound Healing

AW: Quantum Sound Healing

OM - Mantra chant

Om is the symbol for the whole universe. It carries three basic sounds: A-U-M. These three basic sounds through which all the sounds have evolved.
So Om is the basic trinity of sound, the synthesis of all the basic roots.
That's why Om is considered the secret mantra, the greatest mantra, because it implies the whole existence,
it represents the sound of soundlessness, the beauty of silence.

OM represents the music of existence, the soundless sound, the sound of silence. OM represents the inner most music of our being, the inner harmony,
the inner humming sound which happens when our body, mind, soul are in deep totality, when the visible and the invisible, the un-manifest and the manifest, the relative and absolute, the-outer and inner are in deep togetherness.

To become one with OM-the music of existence is to attain fulfillment.

AW: Quantum Sound Healing

Chakra sound healing: Michiel Waterman

Spiriclip 1: This is a meditation to clean and balance the chakra's with sound and color. Chant each sound and focus on the chakra. Audio enginering: Sjoerd Borkent/Studio Short-circuit. Voice and videoproduction: Michiel Waterman.

AW: Quantum Sound Healing

396 Hz - Releasing emotional patterns and the liberation of guilt and fear.

417 Hz - Breaking up crystallized emotional patterns and facilitatiog change.

528 Hz - Association with "DNA integrity" transformation, love and miracles.

639 Hz - Whole brain quadrant interconnectedness/connecting relationships.

741 Hz - Intuitive states, non linear knowing and awakening intuition.

852 Hz --Unconditional love and returning to spiritual order.

und noch mehr Natur- und Planetentöne....

AW: Quantum Sound Healing

I74 Hz 285 Hz 396 Hz 417 Hz 528 Hz 639 Hz 741 Hz 852 Hz 963 Hz


ideal zum Mitsummen oder singen, besser zu schwingen :)

AW: Quantum Sound Healing

Quadrant; music & Solfeggio frequency 639

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