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US Wahl 2024

Make Aspergers Greed Again ... 👽

Make America Great Again (deutsch Macht Amerika wieder großartig), kurz MAGA, ist ein Slogan, der in Präsidentschaftswahlkämpfen der Vereinigten Staaten mehrfach gebraucht worden ist. Prominent von Ronald Reagan im Rahmen seines Wahlkampfs 1980 benutzt, machte ihn Donald Trump in seinem Wahlkampf 2015/2016 zum Hauptmotto. Auch Barry Goldwater und Bill Clinton benutzen ihn. Der Slogan wurde in Politik, Kunst und Popkultur aufgegriffen und adaptiert.
MAGA Inc., also called Make America Great Again Inc. is an American Super PAC that supports Donald Trump. It was founded on September 23, 2022. As a Super PAC, it can raise unlimited money for campaigns and spend it freely to support Trump, but it is barred from coordinating directly with presidential campaigns.
Independent expenditure-only political action committees, better known as Super PACs, are a type of political action committee (PAC) in the United States. Unlike traditional PACs, Super PACs are legally allowed to fundraise unlimited amounted of money from individuals or organisations for the purpose of campaign advertising; however, they are not permitted to either coordinate with or contribute directly to candidate campaigns or political parties. Super PACs are subject to the same organizational, reporting, and public disclosure requirements of traditional PACs.
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