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I found some Wisdoms for life

Eh klar. Deswegen redet er mit Merkel vielleicht deitsch.
Poo-Tin speaks german at a fairly good level. He was a long-time KGB officer, stationed in Germany on behalf of the soviet terror regime. But English is his nightmare. He hates all english-speaking nations, especially the USA and Britain also. :)
Herrlich wie Sie das sehnen. Putinbashing, auf allen Ebenen - nur keine Gelegenheit auslassen.
That's the truth, brother. Putin is the biggest threat to western society. We must take him down before he fucks us in the ass!

Wie schauts eigentlich mit den Russischkenntnisen der Nicht-Putineser aus?
Nobody needs Russian! That language (of a very slow-emerging country) has the nearly same relevance as Turkish or Afrikaans. :)
And the last Video just says that history can be false.

History itself or someone's personal view of history?

Some people say that history was constructed by winners of big conflicts.
I don't believe that. There's always real history that no one can deny. No matter how powerful he is. Totalitarian rulers tried to fake history but they always failed.
History itself or someone's personal view of history?

Some people say that history was constructed by winners of big conflicts.
I don't believe that. There's always real history that no one can deny. No matter how powerful he is. Totalitarian rulers tried to fake history but they always failed.

I for myself cannot prove if ww2 happened. Whatever they say, history will never be knowledge for me. And many others too. I simply wasn't there to witness it. I cannot disprove that the humans origin is the planet Mars or Venus. Or whatever.
So I'm always sceptical open mind about history and generally whatever other people tell me. I prefer knowledge, something I can work with. Like 1+1=2