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Eine kleine Nachtmusik ... :schlaf2:

Lucy Ann Polk - Lucky Lucy Ann (US 1957)
Lucy Ann Polk (* 16. Mai 1927; † 10. Oktober 2011)
war eine US-amerikanische Jazz- und Big-Band-Vokalistin.
Ein Lied für alle Gottesanbeter:

Passing the empty house
I see the thing upon the wall
Wooden sticks crossed together
And kneeling man talking to the effigy of steel...
God is Dead! Dead! Helleluyah!
Smell of burnt bodies
Slaughtered virgin lies dead without the face
Men staring at the skies
Singing lines and eating sand of waste...
God is Dead! Dead! Helleluyah!
Wandering the globe around
I saw no miracles nor wonders
Humanity so poisoned by their myths
Why none can see my wings?!
God is Dead! Dead! Helleluyah!
