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Russland greift Ukraine an

Den ruZZischen Invasoren gönnt man keine Pause, HIMARS zerstört Munitionslager und Militärflugplatz auf der Krim ...

Keep up the good work, my brothers!
Slava Ukraini! :)
Ein Song über die ruZZischen Besatzer in der Ukraine ...

Ivan was strolling down the road, all looking for some trouble
His gun was dangling at his ass, his boots were kicking rubble
When out of blue a loud big bang shook ground from above
A shell went off right at his feet
And now Ivan is gone

Bang Bang Ivan is gone
Bang Bang Ivan is gone
There's nothing fucking left of him, but big hole in the ground
Artillery is giving hell, the boys are going wild
Another fascist russian pig will not come home tonight

Ivan has crawled into his trench, to have a smoke and hide
A little sneaky chinese drone, was buzzing in the night
The smoke went up, and bits of dust got scattered all around
Ivan's the star of episode of "how I met a round"

Bang Bang Ivan is gone
Bang Bang Ivan is gone
There's nothing fucking left of him, but big hole in the ground
Artillery is giving hell, the boys are going wild
Another fascist russian pig will not come home tonight

Ivan broke into empty house - he's on a shopping spree
His wife asked for a pair of shoes, and brand new big TV
But all the sudden speedy bird flew in through open blinds
A one big fucking angry bird of caliber one-five-five

Bang Bang Ivan is gone
Bang Bang Ivan is gone
There's nothing fucking left of him, but big hole in the ground
Artillery is giving hell, the boys are going wild
Another fascist russian pig will not come home tonight
Seit Ende Februar 2022 haben die USA der Ukraine mehr als 88.000 Tonnen Waffen und militärische Ausrüstung geliefert. Der Gesamtbetrag der US-Militärhilfe in dieser Zeit hat $18,3 Milliarden erreicht.

Genosse Putin wollte den Krieg. Nun muss er nicht weinen... :D