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Blog: ICD Press

Academic Programs & International Conferences (May– October 2013) Dear Friends and Colleagues, We are pleased to announce a number of new and exciting opportunities available in the field of Cultural Diplomacy and also wish to bring to your attention our forthcoming Academic Programs...
"Italian Cultural Diplomacy & North-South Relations within the EU" (Rome; June 12th – 14th, 2013) The Symposium is hosted by the Honorable Francesco Rutelli, President of the ICD www.italy-culturaldiplomacy-conference.org Italy’s vast artistic and cultural heritage has allowed the...
Forthcoming Conferences (Berlin,Brussels, Washington D.C. & New York City; June-July, 2013) www.icd-ylf.org The ICD Young Leaders´ Forums are international networks of like-minded young individuals with an interest in developing, supporting, and sustaining intercultural relations. Over the...
"The Potential for Cultural Diplomacy in Supporting National and International Governance" (Berlin, Bucharest, Rome, Washington D.C., New York City, Brussels, London; May-July 2013) www.i-s-c-d.org The International Symposia on Cultural Diplomacy 2013 is the world's leading and largest...


ICD Press
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