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[R.I.P.][IN MEMORIAM] Musik + Lieder von, mit & für die Verstorbenen ...

AW: [R.I.P.][IN MEMORIAM] Musik + Lieder von, mit & für die Verstorbenen ...


The Cure song "Cut Here" written by Robert Smith, a friend of Mackenzie,
is about the regret Robert felt about seeing MacKenzie a few weeks before his death
backstage at a Cure concert and not giving him any of his 'precious time' and fobbing him off.
Siouxsie Sioux wrote the song "Say",
revealing in the lyrics that they were going to meet just before his death.
The song was released as a single in 1999 and charted in the UK Top 75.
For her Medúlla album, Björk considered singing a beyond the grave duet with Mackenzie
using recordings given to her by his father, but eventually decided against it.

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'Barrie For Billy MacKenzie' von einer norwegischen Gruppe