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The 2013 International Conference on the African Union & Cultural Diplomacy

ICD Press

New Member
1. Oktober 2012
The 2013 International Conference on the African Union & Cultural Diplomacy
“African Perspectives: An African Vision for Positive Developments in Africa”
The Conference is Co-organized and Co-hosted by Brand South Africa and the ICD
(Pretoria, April 7th – 11th, 2013)

This unprecedented gathering within the African continent will seek to highlight Africa´s self-attained achievements with regards to its standing in the international community, as well as its increasing emancipation from the often assumed dependency on the Western world. The focus will be on the role and successes of the African Union as an intergovernmental regional organization seeking to combat political, social, and economic inequalities. Past achievements will be considered while simultaneously accenting the future challenges the AU faces.

It will be demonstrated that the application of Cultural Diplomacy is pervasive within the African Union´s activities, as it has charged itself with the task of uniting highly differentiated cultures within Africa with the aim of achieving ´greater unity and solidarity between the African countries and the people of Africa. Cultural Diplomacy will be shown to support and solidify such efforts.

Conference Location
Based in Pretoria, South Africa, the conference will be hosted at the African Union Parliament and at a number of important political, historic, and cultural locations across the city.

Conference Speakers
Speakers during the Conference will include head of state and ministers, leading figures and experts from international politics, economics, academia, diplomacy, civil society, and the private sector. The speakers will also include a number of individuals from the ICD Advisory Board. For further information on the ICD Advisory Board, please click here.

Conference Participants
Participation in the conference is open to governmental & diplomatic officials, academics & scholars, economists, journalists, artists, civil society practitioners, private sector representatives, young professionals, and students, as well as other interested individuals from across the world

To apply please visit: http://www.culturaldiplomacy.org/experienceafrica/index.php?en_aucdc2013_application-form

For more information please visit:http://www.culturaldiplomacy.org/experienceafrica/index.php?en_aucdc2013

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